JIHAD had always
been one of the most sensitive topics ever. In fact, some muslim friends of
mine sometimes speak of it in a very pessimistic manner. It’s clear that even
among muslim, JIHAD is not a concept that is easy to be accepted and
understood. Hopefully, the following content might be able to clear at least some
of the mis-conception.
These are some explanations that I manage to jot down
from one of Q&A session between Dr. Zakir Naik with one of the attendee at his
i) the word JIHAD
come from the word “JAHADAH” in Arabic
which means to strive / to work on.
ii) so basically, jihad could mean among others, the
an action to strive for the better eg. Working to
improve living condition & studying or learning to increase knowledge etc.
to protect oneself against oppression
can include fighting if being attack as an act of
Killing, the action that most people associate with JIHAD can only be used as the last
iii) mis-conception starts when JIHAD
was translated as HOLY WAR. HOLY WAR
is known as HARB AL MUQADDAS in Arabic. According to Dr Zakir
Naik, we can’t even find one single phrase of HARB AL MUQADDAS in AL-QURAN.
For more information on the starting of this mis-interpretation, I guess we
just need to seek knowledge further.
Some of other religion scholars are making reference
to Surah At-Tawbah [9:5] as a justification in associating Islamic Jihad with
violence. But, as explained by Dr Zakir Naik, the reference was made out of the
actual context of the ‘ayah’ when they single out the verse without referring to
the previous ‘ayah’ / verse.
If we refer
back to Surah At-Tawbah [9 : 1-4], we will notice that it told us the story of
peace treaty (which was agreed by both parties, when Prophet Muhammad PBUH and
his followers, were prevented from entering Makkah) between muslim and Quraisy in Makkah. This
peace treaty (which is also known as peace treaty of Hudaibiyah) was later on been
breached/violated by some of the Quraisy in Makkah. In fact in this surah
[9:4], it was mentioned that;
“Excepted are
those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not
been deficient towards you in anything or supported anyone against you; so
complete for them their treaty until their term (has ended). Indeed, Allah
loves the righteous (who fear him).”
An in verse no. 6 : Surah At Tawbah [9:6];
“And if any
one of the polytheists seek your protection, then grant him protection so that
he may hear the words of Allah. Then escort him to his place of safety. That is
because they are people who do not know.”
This writing is merely the writer’s sole understanding
on the Dr Zakir Naik’s program. If there is any other better words in conveying
the message, forgive me, as all weakness that you may find in the writing is
the weakness of the writer alone. And all the good & greatness are indeed
only right for Allah.
Wallahu A’lam
1 comment:
"Jihad is indeed a complex and often misunderstood concept, even within the Muslim community. It's important to have open and honest discussions about it to clarify misconceptions and explore its true meaning. Jihad, at its core, represents a struggle or effort in the path of God, which can manifest in many forms—spiritual, moral, or social, in addition to the more commonly discussed aspects. By educating ourselves and each other about its nuances, we can foster a better understanding of this important aspect of faith.
I encourage readers to also reflect on the teachings of the Quran, such as those found in Surah Yaseen, which emphasize compassion, guidance, and the pursuit of righteousness. Accessing surah Yaseen pdf in format can provide valuable insights that might help illuminate the broader context of Jihad and its significance in a balanced and peaceful life.
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