Sunday, January 5, 2014


JIHAD had always been one of the most sensitive topics ever. In fact, some muslim friends of mine sometimes speak of it in a very pessimistic manner. It’s clear that even among muslim, JIHAD is not a concept that is easy to be accepted and understood. Hopefully, the following content might be able to clear at least some of the mis-conception.

These are some explanations that I manage to jot down from one of Q&A session between Dr. Zakir Naik with one of the attendee at his forum.
i) the word JIHAD come from the word “JAHADAH” in Arabic which means to strive / to work on.
ii) so basically, jihad could mean among others, the followings;
·         an action to strive for the better eg. Working to improve living condition & studying or learning to increase knowledge etc.
·         to protect oneself against oppression
·         can include fighting if being attack as an act of defence.
·         Killing, the action that most people associate with JIHAD can only be used as the last resort.
iii) mis-conception starts  when JIHAD was translated as HOLY WAR. HOLY WAR is known as HARB AL  MUQADDAS in Arabic. According to Dr Zakir Naik, we can’t even find one single phrase of HARB AL MUQADDAS in AL-QURAN. For more information on the starting of this mis-interpretation, I guess we just need to seek knowledge further.

Some of other religion scholars are making reference to Surah At-Tawbah [9:5] as a justification in associating Islamic Jihad with violence. But, as explained by Dr Zakir Naik, the reference was made out of the actual context of the ‘ayah’ when they single out the verse without referring to the previous ‘ayah’ / verse.

 If we refer back to Surah At-Tawbah [9 : 1-4], we will notice that it told us the story of peace treaty (which was agreed by both parties, when Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his followers, were prevented from entering Makkah)  between muslim and Quraisy in Makkah. This peace treaty (which is also known as peace treaty of Hudaibiyah) was later on been breached/violated by some of the Quraisy in Makkah. In fact in this surah [9:4], it was mentioned that;

“Excepted are those with whom you made a treaty among the polytheists and then they have not been deficient towards you in anything or supported anyone against you; so complete for them their treaty until their term (has ended). Indeed, Allah loves the righteous (who fear him).”

An in verse no. 6 : Surah At Tawbah [9:6];

“And if any one of the polytheists seek your protection, then grant him protection so that he may hear the words of Allah. Then escort him to his place of safety. That is because they are people who do not know.”

This writing is merely the writer’s sole understanding on the Dr Zakir Naik’s program. If there is any other better words in conveying the message, forgive me, as all weakness that you may find in the writing is the weakness of the writer alone. And all the good & greatness are indeed only right for Allah.

Wallahu A’lam 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Halaqah : Hadis 5 fasa masa

HALAQAH (3 Jan. 2014)

Moderator: Ust Syed Norhisham Tuan Padang
Panel: Ust. Heryanto Rizal & Ust. Ahmad Tarmizi Abdul Rahman

Hadith ini diriwayatkan oleh Imam Ahmad


- Fasa kenabian – di saat Rasulullah ditengah2 umat
- Fasa berakhir dengan kewafatan Rasulullah SAW, fasa terangkat dengan izin Allah dan bermula fasa berikutnya


- Fasa Khilafah – islam ditegakkan di atas jalan Allah mengikut ajaran yang ditinggalkan Rasulullah SAW.
- Fasa Khulafa’ Ar Rashidin
- Ada hadith yang menyebut Fasa ini berjalan selama 30 tahun dan setelah para ulama’ buat perkiraan, 30 thn tamat setelah zaman Khalifah ke4 – Saidina Ali Abi Talib tamat.


-Fasa pemerintahan yang menggigit (dengan geraham)
- Zaman pemerintahan Ummayyah -> Uthmaniah
- Zaman ini penyangak & kezaliman telah byk tapi undang-undang islam masih tertegak


-Fasa pemerintahan diktator, pemerintahan berdasarkan kuasa dan kekuatan
- Kezaliman & penindasan berleluasa
- Kita sekarang di fasa ini
- Ciri-ciri :
  # ciri-ciri pemerintahan islam tiada dalam fasa ini
  # terlalu byk ideology
 # pemisahan kehidupan & agama, kehidupan & agama, kewangan & agama
 # pemisahan mutlak
 # kemuncak kezaliman & penindasan, yg kuat menindas yg lemah, yg lemah seolah2 tkde hak
- Riwayat : peristiwa setelah Umar Abdul Aziz memerintah, ade yang berpendapat fasa 4 telah tamat, tp setelah tamat pemerintahan Umar Abdul Aziz bila penindasan & kezaliman berleluasa semula, para ulama’ sependapat fasa ini belum berakhir.


-dipanggil juga janji gembira, fasa di mana ummah akan dikembalikan kepada fasa pemerintahan khalifah seolah-olah Rasulullah hadir di kalangan kita.

Peringatan : walaupun kita berada di fasa ke 4 tak bermakna perlu menerima sahaja keadaan semasa, tapi inilah masa utk kita membuat persiapan bagi sama-sama berusaha kea rah fasa ke 5

Seperti lahirnya Muhamad Al Fateh yg membuka Konstantinapol, spt juga Salahudin Al Ayubi yang berjaya membuka semula kota Jerussalem, yang tidak terlahir dengan sekelip mata. Tp terlahir atas usaha, kesungguhan & kepercayaan umat islam di zaman Muhamad Al Fateh & Salahuddin serta umat sebelum zaman kemenangan mereka atas janji-janji Allah & Rasulnya. Kini giliran kita pula utk berusaha kearah itu. Jadi apa sumbangan kita?